Question: 1 / 50

When riding in a group, what should riders avoid doing?

pairing up

When riding in a group, it is essential for safety and cohesion to maintain a structured approach. Pairing up can create confusion and disrupt the flow of traffic within the group. It can lead to situations where some riders are too close together, reducing their ability to maneuver effectively in case of obstacles or sudden changes in traffic conditions. Riding in formation, on the other hand, allows for better visibility and coordination among riders. It provides each rider with a clear position within the group, helps the group stay together, and enhances the overall safety of the ride. Announcing turns and communicating with signals are also crucial practices, as they ensure that all members of the group are aware of upcoming actions, which reduces the risk of accidents. Thus, these practices contribute significantly to a safer riding experience compared to the potential downsides of pairing up.

riding in formation

announcing turns

communicating with signals


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